Connectivity in Your New Building

The Importance of Setting Up Connectivity in Your New Building
When moving into a new building, countless tasks are on your to-do list, from furniture arrangements to utilities to set up. However, one crucial step that often gets overlooked is the importance of connectivity and, importantly, ensuring it’s set up at the right time. In today’s digital age, seamless internet access is essential for work and leisure. Here we delve into why ordering your connectivity should be the first thing you do after signing a lease for your new building.
Seamless Transition to Your New Environment
In our experience, embarking on the journey to a new building involves myriad priorities and planning. Amongst the building of Gantt charts and project plans, ensuring the early establishment of connectivity has to be considered a paramount step. At iwGROUP we deem it vital for a seamless entry into your new surroundings. We understand the significance of the stress and inconvenience of not having access to the Internet.
In this digital era where most of our work is reliant on the cloud, reliable connectivity cannot be overstated. Prioritising this critical utility at the very earliest opportunity mitigates the risk of potential disruptions that could render your relocation timeline undeliverable. Much of the work can even happen before you sign a lease. We can undertake surveys, get provisional orders placed and the pre-build underway. All without penalty to you should the lease fall through.
Avoiding Unnecessary Delays and Complications
Wayleaves, easements, permits and permissions are common hurdles with connectivity into landlord managed buildings. Therefore time is of the essence. Delays are commonplace when lawyers and property managers start to butt heads. Arguments over cabling routes, sometimes needing to run through the space occupied by other tenants are other considerations that can cause huge issues.
Moreover, it is important to understand that for many of the main networks in the UK, your urgency is nothing new. You are unfortunately, no more important than the other 1,000 clients that are all being managed by the same team. It is not uncommon for the process of resolving connectivity issues to be time-consuming. This involves waits for service appointments and possible technical adjustments. We guide you to pre-emptively set up your connectivity, thereby sidestepping these delays. You’ll be free to devote your attention and energy to planning your new environment and exploring the possibilities it offers.
Expert Advice Costs Nothing
The team at iwGROUP will look into your connectivity options and highlight any potential issues. A simple process and completely free of charge. Following a survey of your new workspace we will send you a comprehensive report. This will detail everything you need to consider and your potential lead times. We’ll also help you navigate around the legal agreements and permissions with your new landlord.
Chris Burfield, Joint CEO, iwGROUP